Tagged: Roach

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Trip #109 – Lockdown Leviathan

Highfields Dairy Farm Not exactly the first post of 2021 that I expected to write. National “Lockdown“ is currently in full swing. There is an easily transmittable global pandemic, the likes of which has...

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Trip #108 – Mallard Merriment

I had recently been given the rarest of opportunities – the fabled “weekend without a child”, courtesy of grandparents. So I quickly decided that I was going to head out to a nearby fishery,...


Trip #96 – Easter Annualisation

In a working world of “week on week”, “year and year” and various other almost meaningless annualisation terminology I thought I would make my own annual observations. I had a few hours spare in...


Trip #95 – Last Day Dalliance

The day is fast approaching… The 15th of March, and being a borderline workaholic I wasn’t going to be able to get a week day off to get out and give the river a...


Trip #88 – Back at Bills

Ironically many people find themselves in the autumn and winter months with some additional spare time, in these months however but we seem to be at our busiest. With work and various life matters...


Trip #87 – Long Load Drain

Fish don’t catch themselves! Although in some commercial fisheries you could argue that they might… With that contentious issue in mind I decided to steer clear of catch proven and conventional lakes I would...