Tagged: Spinning


Trip #99 – Pootlin’ Around Portland

It’s been a long time since I’ve managed to get out on the bank or beach. So long that when we recently moved house my rod tubes and holdall’s had developed elaborate spider’s web...


Trip #95 – Last Day Dalliance

The day is fast approaching… The 15th of March, and being a borderline workaholic I wasn’t going to be able to get a week day off to get out and give the river a...


Trip #94 – Go Small or Go Home

Contrary to the popular saying “Go big or Go home”, after some trial and error on one my most recent trips (before the blustery onset of winter) size definitely does matter. The tides were...


Trip #93 – A goalless draw

A trip from late autumn. My recent fishing venues have involved beaches rather than pegs and river banks and with a few days off the wife and I managed to sneak off and have...


Trip #90 – Early Morning Spin Class

Looking at the tides, prevailing weather and taking into account other weekend plans, this morning’s fishing trip was going to be an early one. For a change I would be trying my hand had...


Trip #73 – Clear as Mud

As I only had a few hours to spare so today’s trip was going to be a short one. I’d spoken to one of my piker mates who told me the key to catching...


Trip #72 – A Tale of two Halves MKII

As the end of the river season is fast approaching I‘ve aimed my focus on many of the local rivers. To be honest I have a lot to choose from, and being a member...

Trip #60 – A spot of dinner! 0

Trip #60 – A spot of dinner!

Arriving at Abbotsbury at 7 in the morning to walk the dog and find it absolutely packed meant one thing, the fish were in and the fish were mackerel. I didn’t have any rods...