Tagged: Trout


River Sirhowy Site Visit

After recently meeting with and receiving an invite from Project Officer Hywel Abbott from the charity Groundwork Caerphilly, I was keen to get to the site along the Sirhowy river to see the work...


It’s time for a catch up…

Where to begin… It’s been a very busy time since my last post, which has involved a job change, 2 house moves, acquiring a kitten and receiving a “significant diagnosis” (Sounds like a hair...


Trip #26 – Kippax Park, Rainbow Lake.

Kippax Park Lakes have featured quite heavily in the press over the last 6 months, and I have read accounts of good weights coming from both Lapwing and Skylark lakes. So with that in...


Trip #21 – Third times a Trout!

I was once told that fishing well in winter sorts the wheat from the chaff, and can sometimes require a more refined approach to that of the tactics used in the summer. Having altered...