Read about my angling adventures here!

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Trip #108 – Mallard Merriment

I had recently been given the rarest of opportunities – the fabled “weekend without a child”, courtesy of grandparents. So I quickly decided that I was going to head out to a nearby fishery,...

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Trip #105 – Morfa Madness

It’s been quite some time since I’ve been fishing, but a trip back to Wales and a competitive sibling meant that we would probably hit the beach for a trip out. When in comes...

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Trip #106 – Outstanding Oathill

It’s been a long time since I’ve been fishing. One measured in months, maybe even years. The last fish I caught were 9lb and 6lb Bass during a storm on a Bench in South...


Casting Capers – Attempt 2.

Another nap time came along which meant another chance to get out and chuck/cast a ball about. It was much drier today which meant the potential for friction abrasion on the line. Still, after...


Trip #104 – Cogden Calamity

Friday night I was quite excited to be heading out, I’d made a load of new rigs, had a pretty good selection of bait and aimed to fish another new venue. This time it...


Casting Capers – First Attempt.

This weekend I managed to find a couple of hours during naptime, so I headed out with my reels, rods and balls, and strolled to the field. My setup is reel down, I’m not...


Casting Capers – Finding a field.

The problem I have is, that although my almost surrounded by large fields, the vast majority of them have rather hefty power lines in/going through them. That is a definite NO NO. So I...