Trip #8 – Toms Pond, good weather for ducks!

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5 Responses

  1. I fish this pond regular and keepnets are allowed and supplyed by the owners at the cost of £1 extra on the £6 day ticket well eoryh the money for a great days fishing on eather pond at toms

  2. spyder says:

    got a match here on sun on little pond can anyone give me some pointers please

  3. Paul Murphy says:

    Hi Spyder, there are lots of carp in both lakes. My advice would be to fish meat and pellets. Expanders would probably go well too! Have a look on Yorkshire fishing Pro Boards forum for more info. Good luck!

  4. Anonymous says:

    whats it like for fishing on the float

  5. Andy Watts says:

    This looks a awsome fishery well worth a go I think is it defiantly right about the keepnets for a pound extra ? .

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