Trip #4 – Swillington Park Lakes – In Meat We Trust!!!

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2 Responses

  1. Lee says:

    Yes, Mussles are a very good bait for the tench – even the bream. I have fished the same swim numerous times, and also the next peg to the left – best time is easily the evening as the sun starts to set. The tench in there go up to some big sizes – biggest of mine approx 8lbs, but didn't have weighing equipment to check, so bear in mind that is an estimate. The website says the tench go to 10lbs – now that would be a fish to be proud of!! There are quite a few carp in there, my biggest just over double figures. Loads of carp can be had from lake 1 if that is your thing – lake 3 is a fantastic runs water for night fishing, but in recent weeks it's been very hard, probably due to water temps – but in spring/summer laske 3 is very good – but I prefer lake 2 out of all of them – the rudd are a decent size, and the barbel fight like hell.

  2. Hi, I liked the bottom lake out of the 2 lakes I have fished at this complex. It seemed more established and the cover meant that if I hooked something sizable it was a real challenge to get the fish out of there. Really tested my elastics!

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