Trip #28 – Hillcrest Farm/Needless fishery

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5 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Told ya you'd have a good Day mate I was the lad who at side of ya who gave you the meat I had 4 doubles out that day been today no carp plenty of f1s and tench tho

  2. Bradley hawes says:

    The hillcrest fisheries is brilliant I wenton Sunday 29th of July and me and my dad caught about 20 each varieties of roach tench carp and dace the pond is well heavily stocked I love it !!!!

  3. andy says:

    You can catch all day long on meat , feeding hemp and the odd cube of meat , the place is stuffed with fish of all sizes all in good condition.if you are willing to sit on a large bait (paste) you will hook some of the beasts that live in the pond.on my first visit to the pond I had 15lb mirror and 13lb common on meat first two put ins on the pole at 5 mtrs plus numerous ide to 3to4lb.
    2nd visit I had no big carp because I could not get thru the f1s but I had easy 60 to 70 lb of f1s all on 4mm cubes of meat feeding hemp & meat. In summer do get there early to beat all the argos & carrier bag anglers (sorry guys but it had to be said).the only negatives I have found are no permanent peggin which would make it better its not rocket science but probably more £ in the owners pocket but dont let that put you off tight lines……

  4. Jamie says:

    nice blog mate, I'll be following from now on

  5. Anonymous says:

    Great little venue, like everybody says, "it could do with some basic facilities" as it is quite expensive to fish.

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